Publication Credits

BROKEN GLASS - - Published in Online Ezine's First Edition - Crossroad, Schooled, Lost and Crushed

TURBULENCE - Published in Issue number 7 - Seamstress

Saturday, January 29, 2011


my self considers
consistent truth,
stagger to me,
notably imperfect, finding
it can sometimes be
a struggle to grow.
my second self
keeps whispering,
pillow-talking that mouse
in me,
oh she, that me
is so tired of hurting,
being too shy,
too sad to cry,
begs me to breathe,
run a finger slowly down
the smallest vein in my brain
just to feel, inhale deep.

and I say yeah,

then choke on the very first try,
might be the first laugh in
a thought shouldered close,
what I'm standing outside of
is so much bigger than I.
life thunders desire
to seek, pursue,
the unfair taking pause
in my venting to you,
no cold-water-toe-test,
it's try and try,
climb and dive deep,
splash vivid color into
rush hour sleep,
this, my "only" life,
inspired need,
to caution the ugly, to
leave me be,
summon beautiful vivacity,
jump high off the edge, scream,
ok, let's go,

"come get me!"

Word of the Day Series

1 comment:

  1. So very passionate Miss Jebbi...this is surely one of your best! I love the way the piece morphs into a sort of mellodrama...and flowed smoothly start to fin. Great job Jebbi!
